CMLC is fortunate to have many partnerships
throughout the community.
Generous and private donations by CMLC donors contribute to essential CMLC activities. With donor’s help, we’ve provided stipends to our English language instructors, scholarships to DACA applicants applying for essential work authorization, financial assistance through the citizenship loan program, and have supported the CMLC’s mission as a safe, equitable, cross-cultural learning community providing educational and community resources.

Collaborative Partners
Casa Latinos Unidos
OSU International Programs
Oregon Folklife Network
Strengthening Rural Families
Corvallis School District
Crossroads International
OSU Extension Service
Corvallis Benton County Library
Here to Stay OSU
Financial Sponsors List
2021-2022 Financial Sponsors
Oregon Community Foundation
Oregon Community Recovery Fund, Michael and Jo Ann Mooser Fund
CMLC has been awarded a grant from the Oregon Community Recovery Fund, Michael and Jo Ann Mooser Fund of Oregon Community Foundation to foster growth in staff expertise, develop a long-term strategic plan, improve financial stability, and refine the center’s remote programming in order to build multicultural connections and relationships in Corvallis.
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Oregon Cultural Trust
Organizational and Professional Development Grant
Oregon Cultural Trust awarded Organizational and Professional Development Grant funds for the CMLC to hire a consultant to engage the center’s board, staff, volunteers and program users to design a strategic plan to move the center forward.
Benton Community Foundation
Elizabeth Starker Cameron Civic Engagement Grant
Benton Community Foundation awarded the Elizabeth Starker Cameron Civic Engagement Grant to the CMLC for Civic Engagement with Underrepresented Populations. The CMLC has successfully helped immigrants and refugees navigate the immigration and naturalization process to obtain U.S. citizenship and voting rights through the Citizenship and Naturalization Support program. This program offers immigrants individual consultations in-person, on the phone or remotely; referrals to financial aid, immigration attorneys, translation services; application review, study materials and mock interviews; and presentations by citizenship, voting, and immigrant community organizations. Funds will be used to strengthen and expand these essential activities.
Oregon Cultural Trust
Organizational and Cultural Development Grant
The Oregon Cultural Trust has awarded Organizational and Cultural Development Grant funds for the CMLC to to support the implementation of comprehensive strategic plan, to foster development in staff & board expertise, and to refine the center’s diversified and robust hybrid programming through strategies of collaboration, strengthening structures, and retention.
2020-2021 Financial Sponsors
The Collins Foundation/MRG Foundation awarded funds to support CMLC’s Citizenship and Naturalization Support Program.
Benton Community Foundation awarded the Elizabeth Starker Cameron Civic Engagement grant funds to support CMLC’s Citizenship and Naturalization Support Program and civic engagement with underrepresented populations.
Oregon Community Foundation supported the CMLC during the COVID-19 pandemic with relief funding while the center’s doors were closed.
Linn Benton Health Equity Alliance awarded funds to increase the presence of underrepresented groups and needs in the coalition and to increase involvement of underrepresented groups in policy and systems change across the community.
City of Corvallis, Community Involvement & Diversity Advisory Board (CIDAB) awarded an empowerment grant for the CMLC to host a drive through block party event for the CMLC to build community and create bridges between the Corvallis community and local cultural organizations and programs.
Oregon Cultural Trust awarded a capacity grant to support building an organization-wide planning process that will increase the capacity and sustainability of CMLC’s activities and programs to be implemented in a hybrid in-house/remote format, thus increasing access and expanding community.
United Way funded the CMLC’s K-12 Tutoring Program for English Language Learning Children to support tutoring programs for children affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Oregon Health Authority – Public Health Division funded the CMLC’s efforts in community engagement, education and outreach related to COVID-19.
2019-2020 Financial Sponsors
Altrusa International of Corvallis Inc. (District Twelve) has continuously supported important work at the Corvallis Multicultural Literacy Center from providing volunteers in the Conversation Partner Program, to purchasing bilingual dictionaries and children’s books, and planting bulbs and sprucing up the landscaping. Recent donations have supported the U.S. Citizenship classes and the English classes for printing of new materials, purchasing books and materials, English teacher stipends, and DACA application fee support.
CMLC assisted in collecting responses from hard to count populations in the 2020 Census.
Oregon Cultural Trust, through the federal Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act established the Coronavirus Relief Fund (CRF) and appropriated funds to support the CMLC for necessary and unexpected expenditures incurred due to the public health emergency during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Good Samaritan Regional Medical Center, through the Social Accountability Grant allowed the CMLC to hold an Intermediate Health Class which provided English Language Learning students with information on proactive self-care, staying healthy and navigating the healthcare system.
Thank you for being our partner!