CMLC Global Reflection Collections
Each Global Reflection collection is a “portable museum” – a large carrying case filled with intriguing, relevant, and aesthetic objects on a specific topic, collected from many cultures; that emphasize diversity through a unifying theme.

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Collections will have a 4-week check-out period, with 3-week renewal periods
Examples of Global Reflection Collections:
The Silk Road
Clothing in Hot and Cold Climates
Gourds & Calabashes
Eating Utensils
Biggest to Smallest (Seriation)
Current Currency, Past Currency
Paper Crafts Around the World
The Cultures of China
The Cultures of Japan
The Cultures of Mexico
The Cultures of the Philippines
The Cultures of Afghanistan
Good Luck

Sample items from the Tea Global Reflection Collection
Collections by Subject
Each collection can be checked out for one week. Call or stop by the center to see the collections, tailor-fit the collection to your needs or to reserve one. Questions? Global Reflection Collections FAQs to see answers to our most frequently asked questions.

Children’s Day, Japan – mini collection
Mini Global Reflection Collections are just that – mini – consisting of a few books on a single subject paired with one or two relevant cultural objects. Check out Global Reflection Collections availability.
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