Fundraiser Event: Gratitude Yoga Class
Join us at Gratitude Yoga Class: A fundraiser for the Corvallis Multicultural Literacy Center’s Immigration Legal Clinic
Monday, November 21st
5:30pm – 7:00 pm
Corvallis Multicultural Literacy Center (CMLC)
2638 NW Jackson Ave, Corvallis, OR
Please bring a mat
All-levels, indoor class, with teacher Naomi Halpern
$5-$50 sliding scale

About the CMLC Immigration Legal Clinics: The CMLC hosts weekly Immigration Legal Clinics, providing free 30-minute consultations for individuals and families seeking US citizenship and/or other residences legal counsel. Kindly email us at to schedule an appointment.
CMLC Winter International Bazaar
All proceeds will help fund CMLC programs and services
We’re excited to invite you to the CMLC Winter Bazaar 2022,
our closing event of the year! Come find international decor and textiles, jewelry, vintage items, and many more.
Get your end-of-the-year shopping done with us, discover unique international pieces, and support a good cause!
Saturday, December 3rd
10:00 am – 5:00 pm
Corvallis Multicultural Literacy Center (CMLC)
2638 NW Jackson Ave, Corvallis, OR
If you are interested in volunteering
to support us with this event, please kindly fill out this form.
We are so appreciative of our community’s support!
Thank you for your contributions!

CMLC is receiving donations of international decor and textiles, vintage items, jewelry, and collectibles for the bazaar
Spanish Conversation Brunch Potluck
Come enjoy practicing Spanish, meeting new people, and sharing a meal together. Spanish level ranges from intermediate to fluent.
We get together and talk about anything!
Please bring a brunch item to share and come hang out with us!
Every 3rd Saturday of the month
Nov 19 & Dec 17
12:00 pm – 2:00 pm
Corvallis Multicultural Literacy Center (CMLC)
2638 NW Jackson Ave, Corvallis, OR
We hope to join us!

Autumn Arts Carnival
A free, drop-in event where people of all ages can enjoy a variety of Fall themed crafts and celebrate the change in seasons. Many thanks to the host The Arts Center Corvallis and our partner The First Alternative Natural Foods Co-op for creating this event!
Friday, October 28th
12:00 pm – 4:00 pm
TAC’s main gallery space
700 SW Madison Ave, Corvallis, OR
We hope to join us!

The Day of the Dead
You are invited to celebrate the lives of our loved ones that have passed away. Join us at the CMLC for a community altar with ofrendas, traditional foods, and calaveritas (poetry).
Friday, November 4th
4 pm – 7 pm
Corvallis Multicultural Literacy Center (CMLC)
2638 NW Jackson Ave, Corvallis, OR
The altar set-up is ready to hold our community members’ photos, instruments, favorite objects, flowers, fabrics, and more. Please join us in this community altar by bringing the ofrendas for your loved ones and register your contributions with your contact information.
We will build our community altar together through the month of October and host a Día de Los Muertos celebration on November 4th with music, food, alfeñiques, pan de muerto, flores de papel, calaveritas, chocolate caliente.

Welcome to the Fall Term’ 22
The CMLC will be offering classes in language, art & crafts, and English and Spanish conversation circles beginning the week of September 19th.
If you are interested in taking a class(es), register for it by filling out the class registration form below.
If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please feel free to reach us at

CMLC classes are offered on a sliding scale of $0-$250
A sliding scale donation is our way of keeping classes accessible to all while also sustaining our ability to host them. To learn more about where you fall within the sliding scale, check out this graphic
$0-$250 sliding scale
English: Beginning Speaking and Reading
In this class, we will review the alphabet and practice numbers. We will talk about family, the calendar, time, and daily activities. We will practice vocabulary, read very short stories, and ask and answer simple questions.
Class limit: 7
Teacher: Annie Recker
In-person class at CMLC
FRIDAYS 09:30am-11:00am
OCT 07 – NOV 18
English: High Beginning Speaking and Reading
LEVEL: High Beginner
In this class, we will learn vocabulary and practice reading and talking about everyday topics such as family, daily life, work and shopping. We will work on some basic grammar, pronunciation and writing sentences.
Class limit: 15
Teacher: Melinda Luis Sayavedra
ZOOM class
FRIDAYS 09:30am-11:00am
OCT 07 – NOV 18
Conversation Circle in English
LEVEL: All levels- Adults
Update: Registration is closed.
In this class, we will enjoy and have fun speaking English on varied topics!
Class limit: 12
Teacher: Kay Alcorn
In-person class at CMLC
MONDAYS 12:00pm-01:00pm
SEP 19 – NOV 21
Conversation Circle in English
LEVEL: Intermediate
In this class, we are going to practice English with weekly topics and learn a few idioms too!
Class limit: 8
Teacher: Marissa Athens
In-person class at CMLC
WEDNESDAYS 01:00-02:00pm
SEP 21 – NOV 9
Conversation Circle in Spanish
LEVEL: Intermediate to advance
Conversations in Spanish on fun topics in different verbal times.
Habla en español sobre temas divertidos en diferentes tiempos verbales.
Class limit: 10
Teacher: Camila Godoy
In-person class at CMLC
TUESDAYS 01:00-02:00pm
SEP 20 – NOV 22
Watercolor Fall Season
All levels- Adults
Enjoy painting the fall!
The class will be taught in English.
Class limit: 8
Teacher: Camila Godoy
In-person class at CMLC
TUESDAYS 03:00pm-05:00pm
SEP 20 – NOV 22
Growing Up with Art
ages: 7-12
Learn how to draw, paint, mix colors and apply another techniques like collage in your artwork.
The class will be taught in English and Spanish.
Class limit: 10
Teacher: Judith Ferlini
In-person class at CMLC
THURSDAYS 03:00-04:30pm
SEP 22 – NOV 24
Color Codes of Nature
ages: 10-15
Make an illustration of a plant and learn how to mix colors to get a color code of the nature motive that you select.
The class will be taught in English and Spanish.
Class limit: 10
Teacher: Judith Ferlini
In-person class at CMLC
WEDNESDAYS 04:30-06:30pm
SEP 21 – NOV 23
Halloween Crafts Decoration
All ages (Parents and kids)
Enjoy creating Halloween crafts!
The class will be taught in English and Spanish.
Class limit: 12
Teacher: Camila Godoy
In-person class at CMLC
FRIDAY 03:00pm-05:00pm
OCT 21th
Pottery Class
ages: 7and up
We’re ready to get messy in clay, learn about the unique science, histories, and cultures of pottery, and hand build our own art pieces!
Estamos emocionados para ebmarrar las manos en la arcilla, aprender sobre la ciencia, historia, y culturas únicas de la cerámica, y hacer nuestras propias piezas de arte.
The class will be taught in English and Spanish.
Class limit: 12
Teacher: Annelie Haberman and Naomi Halpern
In-person class at CMLC
TUESDAYS 05:00-06:30pm
NOV 1-29
Meditación en Español
LEVEL: Intermediate to advanced
En esta clase de meditación, aprenderemos las técnicas básicas de la meditación, hacer una meditación guiada, y aprender técnicas de practicar la atención plena, o mindfulness, en la vida diaria. Esta clase ayudará a la gente quien necesita relajarse y mantenerse enfocada durante estos tiempos difíciles. Adicionalmente, hablaremos sobre cómo mejorar el sueño, los estudios, y mantener la calma durante situaciones estresantes.
Class limit: 10
Teacher: Monica Olvera
In-person class at CMLC and ZOOM
MONDAYS 02:00-03:00pm
SEP 26 – DEC 05
Mindfulness Meditation for Stress-Reductionl
LEVEL: Intermediate to advanced
Learn and practice mindfulness meditation in a safe and welcoming environment. Class is open to beginners and experienced people who meditate. Time is provided for guided meditations, group discussion and lessons on meditation. Method of meditation is based on Insight Meditation. It is easy to learn and can fit into any lifestyle.
Class limit: 10
Teacher: Susanna Cohen
In-person class at CMLC and ZOOM
WEDNESDAYS 03:00-04:00pm
OCT 12- DEC 07
(Spanish and English)
All levels (multiage groups >6 years)
Monday through Friday,
June 27th to July 1st,
10 am to 3 pm
Embracing change, growth and transformation of our relationship with the natural world and ourselves.
Class limit: 10.
Teacher: Elena Chavarria
Meets the center.
English Conversation Circle
Intermediate level
11am – 12pm,
June 29th to August 10th
If you are looking for a free and safe space to improve your English Communication skills, join our English Conversation Class.
Class limit: 10
Teacher: Marissa Athens
Meets at the center.
Conversation circle in Spanish
All levels
Tuesdays, 1 pm to 2 pm,
June 21st to August 9th
This is a Conversation Circle focused on learning Spanish for traveling. Bring your questions and curiosity, and we will improve our Spanish conversation skills and knowledge together!
Class limit: 10
Teacher: Camila Godoy
Meets at the center
Watercolor and Mix Media Workshops for adults
Tuesdays, 3 pm to 5 pm,
June 21st to August 9th
Mix media workshops: 1. Painting flowers
2. Tropical flowers
3. Feather
4. Sea animals
5. Landscapes
6. Bird
7. Collage mix media
8. Collage mix media.
Class limit: 6
Teacher: Camila Godoy
* Supported by the Benton County Cultural Commission.
Meets at the center.
Growing Up with Art
(Spanish and English)
7-12 years old
3 pm – 4:30 pm,
June 22nd to August 3rd
Playful art to learn, focus on creating collages. Rescue of positive relationships, resilience, and expression.
Class limit: 10
Teacher: Judith Ferlini
* Supported by the Benton County Cultural Commission.
Meets at the center.
English for Hispanic Immigrants
(Spanish & English)
Intermediate B1-B2
Wednesdays, 1 pm – 2 pm,
June 22nd to August 3rd
Learn English through media, art, stories and culture.
Class limit: 10
Teacher: Toren Lohr
Meets at the center.
Color Codes of Nature
(Spanish and English)
10-15 years old
Thursdays, 3 pm – 5 pm,
June 23nd to August 4rd
Color palettes based on motifs from nature, studying the chromatic circle, textures and color mixing techniques.
Class limit: 10
Teacher: Judith Ferlini
Meets at the center.
Zea mays
Bilingual (Spanish and English)
All levels (multiage groups >6 years)
Monday through Friday,
July 4th to July 8st ,
10 am to 3 pm
From grinding corn to tortilla making and beyond. A deep sensuous exploration of the apogee and decadency of the very nourishment of all civilizations in America.
Class limit: 10
Teacher: Elena Chavarria
Meets at the center.
Bilingual (Spanish and English)
All levels (multiage groups >6 years)
Monday through Friday,
July 11th to 15th,
10 am to 3 pm
Moving meditation. Just breath, everything else is optional.
Class limit: 10
Teacher: Elena Chavarria
Meets at the center.
Mundus imaginalis (Colective Muralism Workshop for Children)
Elementary school
Monday through Friday,
July 18th to 22nd,
10 am to 3 pm
Harrel, a Jungian
clinical psychologist, reminds us that the mundus imaginalis is a real place of undeniable truth
that can be entered through imagination.
When given the opportunity to express artistically, children draw from the original to make the
invisible visible through their artistic production. Images generated can be powerful, but while
images do not make objects literally present, they stand “more alive than the mental construct
that might define them present or absent because imagination renders them ensouled.
Class limit: 10
Teacher: Determined Art Movement.
Instructor: Elena Chavarria.
Lunch is not provided, we provide snakes during the 2 breaks.
Meets at the center.
Growing Up with Art
Bilingual (Spanish and English)
7-12 years old
3pm – 4:30pm,
August 17th to October 5th
From grinding corn to tortilla making and beyond. A deep sensuous exploration of the apogee and decadency of the very nourishment of all civilizations in America.
Class limit: 10
Teacher: Judith Ferlini
* Supported by the Benton County Cultural Commission.
Meets at the center.
Pottery Class
(7 – 12 years)
(English – Spanish)
7 – 12 years
3:30pm to 5:30pm
July 11th to August 15th
Ceramics art classes to focus on tactile art play and learning about pottery cultures and techniques from around the world. Students will finish with several small finished projects and a fun working knowledge of how to easily play with clay at home.
Class Limit: 12
Teachers: Annelie Haberman and Naomi Halpern
Meets at the center.
Graphic Novel Class
(Spanish & English)
9 – 14 years old
10:30am to 12:00pm
July 15th to August 5th,
Graphic novel art class, teaching children to tell and uplift their personal and cultural narrative, through the medium of pictures and story. Students will be guided through the story-telling process in words and pictures, and supported in making pictures and words to tell their own stories. Students will finish with a story to tell.
Class limit: 10
Teacher: Annelie Haberman
Meets at the center.
Meets at the center.
IMG Playgroup
All are welcome
10:00am to 12:00pm,
July and August
Freeplay art childcare for International Moms Group weekly park meet-ups. Meetings will be held out of the center in a different park each week. Free and welcome to all. Come play with us and meet other families!
Class limit: No limit.
Teacher: Heiki
Meets at a park every week.
Saturday, June 18th
12:00 – 5:00 pm at the CMLC,
2638 NW Jackson Ave., Corvallis
The CMLC Bazaar is coming up!
Don’t miss it and mark your calendars!
You can find our unique items from around the world:
accessories, international décor, vintage/collectible items, textiles and more…
Items are donated for the benefit of CMLC, most are vintage, sold as is.
Everybody is welcome, so bring your entire family and friends!
Shop while supporting the CMLC and enjoying light refreshments and community.
We are still accepting donations!
Stay tuned for more news about this important event.

Dear friends of CMLC, the Center will be closed to the public from March 22 to 25 as we will be enjoying Spring Break.
We will be back again on Tuesday March 29th at the usual time from 10am to 3p.m.
Happy Spring Break!
See you soon!

Winter Fundraiser Event
An invitation to look deeper into the soul of a plant.
Join us for a series of three workshops:
March 5 – The History of Cacao (Adult workshop)
March 6 – The Magic of Cacao (Adult workshop)
March 12 – Food of the Gods (Family workshop; supervised children)
All sessions will be held at the Corvallis Multicultural Literacy Center, from 10:00a.m. to 3:00p.m.
Suggested donation $25 per session. All materials included. Activities are hands-on, senses-on. Workshops taught in English.
Cosponsored by New Morning Bakery, Pilos Bakery, Burst’s Chocolate, First Alternative Natural Foods Coop South-Town and Oregon Coffee and Tea.
All Covid precautions will be taken.
Event Registration Form

Thank you for your support!